Sunday, November 8, 2009

House health care bill has nowhere to go in Senate (AP)

From the article:
The glow from a health care triumph faded quickly for President Barack Obama on Sunday as Democrats realized the bill they fought so hard to pass in the House has nowhere to go in the Senate.
Speaking from the Rose Garden about 14 hours after the late Saturday vote, Obama urged senators to be like runners on a relay team and "take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people."

Personally I think it's far past the time for Barack to do some serious arm twisting in the Senate, instead of just urging them to keep it going.


  1. You're right here in never never land.

  2. would someone please explain what i asked on the vine about this? i know what kind of healthcare they have in Canada and UK so what is it they are trying for here? is it more subsidized shit for poor people or will it help those of us that have insurance and premiums that keep going up along with co pays? i have maxed out my FSA 6 months ahead of schedlue due to increases in expenses! we're not going broke but between that and the CC companies giving it to us up the arse it is cutting into my middle aged "just because i can" money!

  3. Sadly it seems that the House bill is really a watered down pro-insurance company bill. While requiring the companies to cover nearly every one and requiring nearly everyone to have insurance, it doesn't provide a robust enough public option to have the effect of driving premiums down for everyone.

  4. Personally, I hope it withers on the vine and dies, despite the support my friend Randy has for the bill. Yeah, Randy, I know. Proof yet again that you can dress me up, but you can't take me out in liberal company.
