Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jesus camp. Are they insane?

Yes. Yes they are


  1. sweetie, religion is good for children and adults! someday i'd like the opportunity to make you see God :) however, comments like this one from the article worry me..."take back America for Christ." as they seem a bit jihad-ish to me. as a RC i am always leary of any forms of christianity that has been made up by people in the last 1000 years or people who use to make their own moonshine till they were "born again".

    where's the spell check button on this thing? lol

  2. Muslim or Christian an extremest is an extremest the second one proclaims its done in the name of God has forgot {Judgement is mine sayith the Lord} to upsurp God's judgement would that not be the greatest of sins ?


  3. PNV- an excellent point. Any religion that thinks it needs to "Take back America for Christ" is as scary as one that requires all to "Submit to the will of Allah". I personally am just enough of an individualist that ANY religion that requires me to take the writings of it as the only truth allowed is one I choose to consider suspect at best, and an enemy at worst.

  4. BTW, an enemy is another word for moving target.
